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If there are any members in the affected fire areas in Los Angeles that need any type of help, please reach out and let the community know. Be safe out there. ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago

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looks like Bertone coachwork

For those who attended the 2024 AROC national convention.This day in Michigan history, 1970 : Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Established!

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, including massive coastal sand dunes on the Lake Michigan shore and North and South Manitou Islands, is established.

An old Chippewa Indian legend says that the dunes were created when a mother bear and her two cubs fled a forest fire in Wisconsin by swimming across Lake Michigan. The mother bear arrived first and climbed up on a bluff to wait for her cubs. Sadly, the exhausted cubs drowned, and when the mourning mother died, the Great Spirit Manitou marked her resting place with a single forested dune called Sleeping Bear. Her two cubs are the Manitou Islands.

Today, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore encompasses a thirty-five mile stretch of Lake Michigan’s eastern coastline, as well as North and South Manitou Islands. The park was established primarily for its outstanding natural features, including forests, beaches, dune formations, and ancient glacial phenomena. In 2002, nearly 1.2 millions people visited the park, which has an annual bugdet of around 3.3 million dollars.

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For those who attended the 2024 AROC national convention.
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