Sad to say the times require a Warning

When you create your Classified Ad it will be reviewed and then posted on the AROC website. 

Being visible online allows legitimate buyers to see your ad, but a few unethical people will also see it and try to scam you for some money. Usually that involves a fake cashier’s check above your asking price and them asking you to send them the difference.  Cashier’s checks, real or fake, are just a “promise to pay”, not actual cash, so our advice is – 

DO NOT SEND MONEY to anyone unless you have actual CASH IN HAND!!!  


AROC Classified Ad Creation

Displayed on AROC website & Alfa Owner magazine

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Ad Creator's Information ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Enter your First and Last Names
Enter your phone number
At least the State, but City & State would be nice.
Are you an AROC member?
Your AROC membership will be validated

Number of issues in Alfa Owner and is your ad With or Without Photos +++++++++++++++++++++++

AROC Members - Choose how many issues and with or without photo

Ad Information ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Choose your Ad Grouping
The year of the Alfa you are selling
This would be something that Alfa would have used to identify the model in sales brochures and ads.
Do Not include Year, Model, Color, Pricing & Contact information in Description field. That information is entered in other fields.
If selling ONE Alfa or ONE set of parts or memorabilia enter price in whole dollars. -- If you are selling MULTIPLE sets of parts or memorabilia at different prices enter $0 and select "Contact for Prices" in Pricing Negotiation.
For ONE Alfa or ONE set of parts or memorabilia select from list based on your willingness to change the price. -- For MULTIPLE sets of parts or memorabilia with possible different prices, select "Contact for Prices" from the list.
There might be a charge on transportation depending upon selection by the seller.

Alfa Owner Photo & Additional Website Photos ++++++++++++++++++++++

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Photo to go in Alfa Owner magazine
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 7 files.
You can have up to 7 additional photos that will be available for online viewing
If you have more information about the Alfa or you have more photos to show, put the link to that website here.
This is what you will pay for your Classified ad based on your ad choices; AROC membership, Number of Alfa Owner issues, Ad With or Without Photos
Credit Card processing company
Leave this as Active, otherwise your ad will not get downloaded for the Alfa Owner.