Fall Brunch and drive at Center Street Smokehouse – Sat. Oct 5th ๐Ÿ—“

October 5 (Saturday) – Our Annual Fall Brunch at Center Street Smokehouse, Batavia NY, 12 pM-3 PM. with optional short drive afterwards

Buffet Lunch fee is now $20 per person please pay Treasurer Joe Nuchereno or Phil Pyrce at the event.

Contact Phil Pyrce at pyrce@verizon.net to RSVP.

If planning to attend, please RSVP to Phil Pyrce by Tuesday September 24th 

If traveling from Buffalo, we will have a group start from the Tim Horton’s at Sheridan and Evans in Amherst. Be there at 10:30 am


Scheduled (2) Social Event (4) Tour